Kenneth (Ken) Weaver

Profile Updated: April 10, 2009
Residing In: Somewhere outside of Bluefields, Nicaragua
Spouse/Partner: Anneliese (Ali)
Occupation: Non-profit volunteer
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



After finishing college in Pittsburgh, I managed to find a place with even drearier weather, and so headed up to Ithaca, NY to do a PhD program in physics. Met my wife there, who was also a first-year physics grad student at Cornell. We bolted after two years, after realizing that graduate school in the sciences is not the fast cars, thumping parties, and jet-set lifestyle one generally expects.

Moved to DC. Finished an MFA program in creative writing at the University of Maryland - College Park. Followed Ali into the renewable energy consulting field to save up for travel.

Bolted (once again) in September 2008. We spent three months roadtripping in the general direction of the West Coast, hitting up brewpubs, national parks, and visiting scattered family and friends. Flew to Nicaragua in early December, much to families' discomfort. We're currently working on sustainable, renewable energy solutions with indigenous communities on the Caribbean coast.

Heading back to the States in late 2009. Won't be able to make the reunion. However, after weeks of predominantly rice and beans and heavily salted cheese, Grotto's Pizza has never sounded so good.

Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Sometime post-wedding in Rehoboth Beach
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:08 AM
Watching baseball with friends in Kahkabila