In Memory

Tim Jones


    Lethbridge Collegiate Institute High School
Class Of 1982

Deceased Classmate: Tim Jones
Date Of Birth: 1964
Date Deceased: 1995
Age at Death:
Cause of Death:
Classmate City:
Classmate State: AB
Classmate Country: Canada
Survived By: Tom Jones - twin brother (Victoria, BC)


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03/08/12 09:03 PM #1    

Marie Loucks (Wickham)

I miss our talks. Forever in my thoughts...Marie

03/12/12 09:01 PM #2    

Sandra Fellner

I still think about Tim alot. I knew him better after school, than during.  He had a fabulous laugh and we would get each other going; laughing and laughing over the silliest things. I can't remember him without seeing, and hearing, him laughing. I can't believe it's been so many years since I last heard it.

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