In Memory

David Dahl

David Dahl

Posted on Facebook August 31, 2021:

Hubbell friends, David Dahl passed away after an 8 month battle with Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Stage 4) on 8/31/21.

David was not just a "boss" for me but a father, older brother, best friend and mentor. We spent many days together over the last 14 years. He was my biggest cheerleader. On days when he could see that I didn't believe in myself and was having self doubt regarding a work or life choice, he would give me one of those "Dahl speeches" and I would walk away thinking I could conquer the world (at least the print world). Often we got into "debates" and we would get mad at each other for a few hours. A few hours later and a fresh cup of coffee together, we could just laugh it off as if we were an old married couple. We didn't always see eye to eye but we respected each other's opinion. Over the years we traveled a good bit together -whether to press checks or just the drive over to a meeting at the Millennium office so we had a lot of time to really get to know each other's lives (most realized that we were kind of a package deal so if you invited one of us to a meeting you might as well know the other was going to come. We worked best that way as we helped balance eachother's strengths and weaknesses). After he left Hubbell we probably called and/or texted each other every day. Frankly it was hard to function without him at work- he loved knowing that I am certain. He was always the first person I confided in because I knew he would offer sound advice and have no judgement. All of Hubbell will remember his love for his Nebraska corn huskers and the fact that he kept a spreadsheet for literally everything. But mostly how willing he was to always help with anything. It didn't matter what it was he was ready to jump in and help find a solution. All of the employees knew Dahl was always going to save them from whatever mess they had put themselves/Hubbell in and he'd just shrug his shoulders and find a solution. He really enjoyed the challenge and used to say "that's what I am here for". We all knew how much he loved his family. It was hard to not know them over the years as he would tell me what was happening in their life. They were certainly his biggest accomplishment in life. To Rachel and Anna, know that your dad was well loved and we are all thinking of you.