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01/13/09 04:53 PM #3    

Gordon T. Gates

Great looking site, Thanks for taking the time. God I feel old now. LOL

01/13/09 09:51 PM #4    

(Michele) Shelly Stover (Thiess)

Chuck - the site looks beautiful! I have some interesting Archer memorabilia that I'll snap a pic of and post - like that 1982 LAX pic of Eric's...thanks for all of the work. Shelly

01/21/09 08:45 PM #5    

Kirk Weiland

Fantastic job on the site and all the other elements that you have brought back to the class of 1982!!! It is great to see everyone jumping in to post pics and commentary. Wow, it is amazing to see where life's journeys take everyone. Thanks for your efforts to unify the class!!!

'Capt' Kirk

01/23/09 11:16 PM #6    

Susan Schoenfelder (Solley)

This is a great site. I like reading about every one- what they are doing, where they live, kids etc... Thanks for putting this together Chuck, its great!

02/03/09 03:28 PM #7    

Barbara Patti (Haynes)


02/06/09 11:31 PM #8    

Rob Smouse

hey gordon got bad news.. you are old.

02/07/09 08:01 AM #9    

(Michele) Shelly Stover (Thiess)

oh, but Rob...he still looks so young and dashing!

02/07/09 11:39 AM #10    

Kevin Corcoran

I remember thinking Gordon looked like such an adult when we were sixteen and seventeen. Now he IS an adult! And Gordon, remember those amazingly detailed drawings you did of houses you hoped one day to build? Did you? Did you ever build one of them?

02/10/09 08:27 PM #11    

Rob Smouse

i guess i did this wrong the first time... would not be my first nor second time!
gorden is awesome and dashing. i live near rehobeth, i can use the word dashing. but one could STOMP on gordons hand and he would never flinch. that was cool! shelly i like the way you say oh, rob... reminds me of home room when you sat next to dale snyder and myself. god owes you!

02/11/09 07:07 AM #12    

Paul Anderson

hey everybody,
what's all the commotion over here on the "message forum"?
i got a feeling we're "all" old, that's what my b-day tells me.
just go with it........

02/11/09 04:47 PM #13    

Rob Smouse

hey paul,
sorry, i forgot to send you a note... happy birtday you bastard! hope it was fun! what is it like to be 45 ?????

02/11/09 08:48 PM #14    

Rob Smouse

hey chuck,
too soon to say thank you or ohh poo. i have a date because of this site. wow! will you give me gas money to see her?

02/12/09 12:56 PM #15    

Jackie Houghton (Thornton)

Hey ya'll,

Just got connected. It's great reading all this back and forth stuff.

Thanks for getting this together Chuck!

02/13/09 08:04 PM #16    

Richard Waldman

Hi! Enojin' the "TRUE FLORIDA WEATHER"! This site is "Cool Beans"! Rob Smouse is right, Some of us are gettin' old! Chuck, GET A FACEBOOK!!!!!

02/13/09 09:55 PM #17    

Rob Smouse

rick waldmen is correct... rob is right! now i only need another eleven too follow and all will be right.....
lighten up people... it is a joke!

02/17/09 07:21 AM #18    

Paul Anderson

And now for something completely different.

02/17/09 08:20 PM #19    

(Michele) Shelly Stover (Thiess)

Thanks, Paul...and here is something a little different...did any of you out there play basketball in high school? Or know of someone who did? And might be interested in playing in a 'light' alumni exhibition game? (Andover vs. Brooklyn Park)...scheduled for March 27th, at North County high school. It's a fundraiser...Steve Stielper (Archer Class of '75), and county record holder, is an assistant coach at NC and planning this event - scheduled for March 27th.

02/18/09 08:18 PM #20    

Denise Dietz

Hey Chuckles & Everybody else,
I am so glad that we all are talking again. I am sooo looking forward to the "30" year reunion or something else, whichever comes first to see all of you again!!! Hope everyone's holidays were good and am looking forward to talking to whomever responds to my message!!!
Denise (Dietz aka Ditz) :-)

02/19/09 08:47 PM #21    

Paige Purcell

I just found out about this site the other day and it's great reading about everyone. Great work, Chuck!! Paige

02/25/09 04:03 PM #22    

Scott Graham

Great work....truly enjoyed looking at all the info!!! And'all are getting old !!!! (LOL)
Keep up the good work.
Scott Graham

02/28/09 09:00 AM #23    

Michael Stylc

Hey chuck great job

02/28/09 01:19 PM #24    

Rob Smouse

just found out i'm gonna be a grand-dad! my kid d-day and his loveley wife A told me today. i am gonna love messing with this kid!

03/01/09 03:38 PM #25    

Angela Perry

Chuck, thanks for setting this up! I have been traveling down memory lane.. while waiting for the blizzard that doesn't seem to be coming.

03/06/09 10:33 PM #26    

Bryan Janorske (Janorske)

Hi Chuck and everyone, great site! Sure is a blast from the past seeing and reading about you all again. Andover might be gone, but will never be forgotten as long as we have this site!

03/29/09 02:20 PM #27    

Chuck Schneider

Hey Guys...we had a nice little showing last night (with some significant others too)at Howard's...had LOTS of laughs of old and new times...from what was said last night I think this group wants to try this every couple of months...I will post pictures soon... Long distant traveler award goes to Peggy Wolfe (Kidwell) for the ladies and John Lane for the guys..Thanks to all who attended...

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