Memories of Portugal during the Hillam years
Posted Saturday, November 13, 2010 12:39 PM

I've been asked to contribute a chapter on our time in Portugal for a book in Portuguese to be published next year for the groundbreaking for the Lisbon Temple. And the more that I think about it, the more I realize that I could use some help -- some memories of our time in Portugal.

Could some of you here help me remember and give me information that would be useful?

Since the audience for this book is primarily the members of the Church in Portugal, many of my memories seem too oriented to what missionaries experienced instead of what members saw. I know that as a former missionary in Portugal, I can't hope to represent their experience very well. But I do think I can provide some stories that involve members and some history that might have affected them.

Specifically, I'd like to know information like the following:

  • What changes happened to the Church in Portugal during our time? As I recall, there was a Stake in Lisbon, districts in Porto, Coimbra, Setubal and the Algarve (and perhaps more). I remember hearing of one town that was opened while I was there -- I'm not sure if there were others.
  • Do you remember particularly interesting meetings with members, notable members, stake or district conferences or other events that members might also remember?
  • What members were baptized during your mission who you thought were particularly strong or notable?
  • Do you remember the Church making the news (newspaper, TV, Radio) during our time (I remember a newspaper in Porto reporting on our missionary choir singing christmas carols on the Avenida dos Aliados one Christmas)
  • What other things happened that might be of interest to members in Portugal?

I do think we experienced a great time in the history of the Church in Portugal. Please help me do it justice for this book.

Kent Larsen