Contact Us



To register, click on CLASSMATE PROFILE tab, find your Class and your name, click on your name and follow instructions.

1. If your name DOES NOT appear on your class list, just let us know and we will add you to your class and then you can join. Then check back later and your name should be added. Please be patient, we are still in the process of populating the site with class names.

2. NAME MISSPELLED? If your name is misspelled (which it may be, we are dealing with over 20,000 names) you can STILL register and correct it when you register.

3. PASSWORDS--We can NOT send you a password prior to you registering, when you register as per the instructions above, YOU create your own profile and password.  If you FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD..please use the FORGET PASSWORD link on the home page before contacting us! 

******IMPORTANT..Please include your YEAR OF GRADUATION 




* = Required   

* Your Name
* Your Email
* Regarding Year
* Subject

* Message
