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10/29/08 07:45 PM #204    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

I assume Tracy is going to post them on her profile page? I can't wait to see the photo's either!

10/29/08 08:03 PM #205    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Please see the prayer list. One of our classmates Teresa (Rece) Bock has been battling liver problems and is needing our prayers!

10/30/08 12:50 AM #206    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Welcome Gary and Rece!

I am glad you found us here. ;) Now, don't be shy!!. Well, we know neither one of you are shy!

Please jump in on this forum and say hello to everyone. :)


10/31/08 10:04 AM #207    

Leigh Smith (Polanski)

Happy Halloween everyone!!! So glad to see all the new people signing up...Rece, so sorry to hear about your illness, I will keep you in my prayers!

Welcome Gary! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist.

Hope everyone has a safe/fun Halloween!

Love to you all!!

10/31/08 01:42 PM #208    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Welcome to the website Jim! :)

10/31/08 01:46 PM #209    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Happy Halloween Everyone!

11/04/08 10:37 AM #210    

Stephanie Baker (Brock)

When and Where did you guys get together? Where are the pictures posted? I would love to see them!

11/05/08 03:34 PM #211    

Leigh Smith (Polanski)

Hey Stephanie,
We went to Cantina Laredo for an early dinner and then went to a piano bar in the River Market. We had big fun! You need to join us next time : )

However, I am not looking forward to the

11/06/08 03:27 PM #212    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Bo, Sorry I didn't send this earlier!

11/06/08 03:28 PM #213    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

I hope I didn't miss anyone else's birthday!

11/06/08 11:05 PM #214    

Tina Odom (Anglin)

Oh my, I beginning to think that I may be the only one living in central Arkansas that does NOT live in Bryant or Benton. I feel so alone way out here.

11/09/08 02:00 PM #215    

Rosalyn Young (Lemons)

Tina honey, you are not the only one. :). I still live in the central part--not in southwest anymore, but I'm still here. ha-ha. I'm sure there are a few more that live somewhere close. Us Lions are EVERYWHERE!

11/10/08 08:35 AM #216    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Welcome Mark! Glad to see you made it here!

I also wanted to let everyone know that we have another classmate that passed away. Veronica Clowney has been added to the memory page.

I hope everyone has a great day!!!


11/10/08 08:44 AM #217    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Kim Barnard Smith, I am not going to be home Tuesday, so I want to go ahead and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful one!!!

11/10/08 03:35 PM #218    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Chris Overby,

How is your wife doing? Are congratulations in order for the family yet?


11/10/08 04:30 PM #219    

Kimberly Kirkpatrick (Jewell)

Just thought I would let you guys know that Donnie Luzader's dad's obituary was in the newspaper yesterday.

11/11/08 09:47 AM #220    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Happy Birthday Kim Barnard Smith! I thought I wasn't going to be home today, but things changed. So, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! :)

11/11/08 09:49 AM #221    

Leigh Smith (Polanski)

Happy Birthday Kim! Wish I was there to celebrate with you! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Cheers & much love to you!

11/11/08 09:55 AM #222    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

That is such sad news about Donnie's dad. I will add his family to the prayer list.

11/11/08 09:56 AM #223    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Welcome to the site Kristen! :)

I see your husband races boats. My boyfriend and his son both race sprint cars. I noticed you had Smokin On The Cove on your website. I assume you know who Glenn Brashears is that puts on that show? He sponsors us on the sprint cars.

Congratulations to your husband on placing 8th in the Stock Eliminator Class! I will have to look for you guys out there next year! ;)

My boyfriend Rick finished in 5th place with 1757 points and his son Zach finished in 2nd place with 2007 points. Zach was the 2007 I-30 speedway champion. It's kinda nice to have the rest of the year off. Now we have to find something else to do to occupy our time! lol

Have a great day!

11/11/08 10:37 AM #224    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

I edited the 80's Arcade page. We now have Pacman, Frogger,Centipede, Asteroids,Space Invaders and Mario. If there are any other games you would like to see on there, let me know and I will try to add them. :)

11/12/08 09:49 AM #225    


Kimberly Stackhouse (Pringle)

Welcome to the site Fred!!!!! We are glad to see you here. :)

11/12/08 01:22 PM #226    

Kim Barnard (Smith)

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!

11/12/08 01:48 PM #227    

Lisa Phillips (Wilson)

Hey everyone. I am so happy to see all of the new members here!

I have posted a prayer request on the Prayer List about my dad. I would greatly appreciate your prayers. My parents live in Santa Maria, CA now, so I don't get to see them as often as I would like. Thanks!

11/12/08 09:21 PM #228    

Tina Odom (Anglin)

OK, see I told you that I would probably miss everyone's birthday. Just keeping the pattern going.
Sorry guys.

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