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09/04/08 09:27 AM #704    

Steven Longo

I have a couple of new features for you. If you do not want your birthday posted on the home page you can turn this option off from your profile page. I hope all is well with you guys. Steven Longo

09/07/08 10:45 PM #705    

Eric Matthews

Hey steve or jen, I have tried contacting you regarding my $50 refund since I could not make it to the reunion.
Please email me any info. on it at,
Thanks, Eric Matthews

09/08/08 08:24 AM #706    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

can someone PLEASE shoot me in the head! my sinuses are killing me! hope everyone has a great week.

09/09/08 06:22 PM #707    

Amy Halbrook


I think it is definately going around. Spent all morning in the ER with the early stages of pneumonia. Ugggggggg.


09/10/08 07:13 AM #708    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

if anyone is looking for a charity case...mail sudafed and kleenex to my house :O) have a great week!

09/13/08 12:27 PM #709    

Amy Halbrook

Ok... the rest of our Texas people.... let me know how you are doing :)


09/13/08 04:43 PM #710    

Ben Welvaert

Help! It's right on top of me.

just lots of rain 2 1/2" so far and some wind.

09/13/08 08:02 PM #711    

Carrie Causbie (Cora)

I hope that everyone in Texas is ok. We have been watching CNN around the clock. My husband went to school there 2 years ago. I am praying for you all!

09/13/08 11:17 PM #712    

Amy Halbrook


If your family needs anything, please let me know.

My PI friend in Beaumont has 6 feet of water in his house :-(


09/14/08 12:11 PM #713    

Amy Halbrook

Ok I just heard from my aunt in Little Rock and she told me that you all got hit with rain and winds pretty hard.

Everybody please check in and let us know you are ok.


09/14/08 12:58 PM #714    

Ben Welvaert

All is well here. We had lots of rain and straight line winds, but thats it. The center of the storm came right over us but we are about 225 miles from the coast so we did not get hit too hard.

09/15/08 07:02 AM #715    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

we had 60 mile an hour sustained winds from the tail of that storm. that was pretty impressive. my mom and sister are in louisiana and so far from all the storms they've gotten 25 inches of rain! here's to hurricane season!

09/15/08 07:02 AM #716    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

happy birthday robin, stacee and amy...have one for me :O)

09/15/08 03:13 PM #717    

Terrie Causbie (Schulz)

Happy Birthday Stacee!!!!!

09/15/08 07:54 PM #718    

Amy Halbrook

Happy Birthday Robin and Stacee... Hope you have as much fun as I did :)


09/17/08 09:01 AM #719    

Terrie Causbie (Schulz)

Did we ever hear anything about the tshirts we ordered??

09/17/08 12:25 PM #720    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

happy birthday angela

09/25/08 10:30 AM #721    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

happy birthday will!

09/28/08 01:28 AM #722    

Scott Perciful

Michelle Salmon works in Accounting at CAL-ARK Trucking on I-30. You can reach her there. She lives in Bryant with her mom last I talked to her... its been a couple years, but I do know she is still at CAL-ARK.


10/05/08 12:49 PM #723    

Johnnette Redd (Sayre)

would you be interested in meeting with a group of us from the smokehold in january, we just met this past weekend and it was a blast, if you are interested let me know and i will keep you informed.

even if you were not a part of the smoke hole, we would love to see you there. it is a hoot to see everyone and keep in touch.

10/06/08 08:55 AM #724    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

happy birthday james. hey everyone...i will be down oct 26th for a few days. let me know if you want to do anything.

10/09/08 05:58 AM #725    

Steven Longo

server is being upgraded !

give them a week to work out the bugs

See you at the state fair...

10/09/08 09:10 PM #726    

Brenda Bowerman (Hart)

Hey,Wendy! I think it would be fun to try and round some people up and have a get together. Either way,I'm game!!! Let me know.

10/10/08 01:24 PM #727    

Wendy Watts (Gretzinger)

i will let you know brends...should be a busy few days down there :O)
wanna wish michael snow a happy b-day and wish all the lions a great weekend.

10/10/08 10:54 PM #728    

Lori Steele (Porter)

I WASN't able to make it to the reunion! Was able to meet up with atleast ten at EL CHICO on Geyer Springs recently! I cried when we all had to part. A part of me will always be with you all! I didnt finish at Mcclellan due to consolidation but I attended ELE. thru that year with alot of you!

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