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07/29/08 10:02 PM #2    

Alicia Bennett

Welcome to the John L McClellan High School Class Of 1999 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

08/26/08 03:28 PM #3    

Mareka Austin

Hey Alicia! Thx for the invite. This is a really nice website.

09/02/08 12:18 PM #4    

Reginald Richardson

Whats up everybody! I'm looking forward to this reunion.

09/02/08 10:51 PM #5    

Kellee Wamble

Kellee Wamble is officially checked in! I cant wait to see everybody!

09/03/08 08:27 PM #6    

Vivian Akins

You don't miss people until their away, and I miss all of you guys. I miss the good old days, can't wait to see you all!

09/05/08 01:29 PM #7    

Melissa Key (Thornton)

Hey everybody it's been a long time for most of us. I am glad to say that I can't wait to see everybody and meet and greet!! In ten 10years I know that we all have changed.

09/09/08 08:58 PM #8    

Jennifer Monquie Brown

Well,Well,Well tha time has finally arrived! I'm so ready too see everyone again! I know where going too have a great time! God Bless you all! I'll be there alive and well... Peace Out!!!

09/30/08 10:41 PM #9    

Kevin Cooley

Hello Everybody!

Glad to know you guys are around. Sorry I won't make it to the reunion. CNO Availability!!!

10/19/08 11:45 AM #10    

Jason Mitchell

Ok, so, the last decade has been long one. So much has happened to all of us. It sucks that in the past ten years my best friends have all gone their own ways. September we will come together to rock da hezzy like its forreal 1999!!! I ain't even playin', get down wit yo self.

10/25/08 08:14 PM #11    

April Wilson

Hey guys it been a while!!! It's nice to see some of yall. See you soon!!!!!!

11/06/08 03:16 PM #12    

Montoya McGruder

Hi Everybody, It's gonna be great to see everyone again!

04/28/09 10:53 PM #13    

Tracie Milton

hey everybody, time flies when you having fun!!!! Enjoy it all while you have it! Looking forward to seeing all of you guys!

06/15/09 11:47 PM #14    

Andy Williams

Whats up everyone I look forward to seeing each of you. It has been a long time since we all have been together so I'm really looking foward to having a great time.

07/13/09 11:08 AM #15    

Reuben Shakur

cant wait 2 see every1. plan on bein there.

07/13/09 03:08 PM #16    

Andy Williams

I had the opportunity to be in Little rock over the weekend and attend the fund raising car was. After the car was we had a fellowship at T Knight house and I have not laughed that much in so long man now I really can't wait until the reunion. Reggie AKA (MG) T Knight AKA (11 is 15) LOL everyone make sure that you bring your jokes because I am going to bring mine along with a year book.

07/16/09 09:44 PM #17    

Rikki Webb

Well well well, I still to this day tell everyone how much fun I had in high school. Can't wait to get back to SWLR and see all you successful people. Be good, hope I make it.

07/16/09 11:43 PM #18    

Brittany Sims (Francis)

I am ready to see everybody!!!

07/18/09 10:54 AM #19    

Johnny Lambert

hey everyone hope ur all ready for the reunion. i cannot wait to see you. looks like everones doing great and i see alot of beautiful babies that we all have. im very proud to be apart of the class of 99 and ill never forget it.

09/14/09 01:27 PM #20    

Lanecia Weston

i just want to say thanks to stacey, davida and everyone else who helped make this reunion a great one. i really enjoyed seeing everyone and i can't wait until the 15 year reunion. Much love and happiness to everyone, see you guys in 5 more years.

05/22/13 10:36 PM #21    


Stacey Enoch

Hello everyone, we are so excited about our 15yr reunion so please check us out on facebook, our page is McClellan High and our direct email address is also we ask that everyone update their info on this website. Thank you

05/26/13 02:41 PM #22    

Jonell Johnson

Hi. Everyone... The ten year reunion was a blast can't wait til the next one. See you all soon!!!!

07/16/13 09:39 AM #23    

Kellee Wamble

Has a decision been made what city this reunion will be located? I don't think the majority are interested in repeating the same exact reunion...

07/16/13 01:32 PM #24    


Stacey Enoch

Hey Kellee, the class voted and the majority voted for a local reunion. As I explained to you a while back we will not be doing the exact same thing. We are still in the planning and fundraising stage. Also we welcome everyone's opinion and ideas because this is our reunion, so if you have some suggestions that you would like to see us do please feel free to call me 901-596-9727 or anyone on the committee or email us at and we will vote as we always do to be fair. Also if you have spoken with other classmates please feel free to have them to email or call with their ideas, we welcome them.


Thanks Kellee, I call you later to speak in more detail.

Stacey E.


06/28/18 11:09 PM #25    


Stacey Enoch

Classmates of 1999,

I hope that each of you are ready for the 20yr reunion. We are so excited about the planning, participation and ideas that so many of you have expressed. Please update your profile and share this page with other classmates. Can't wait to see each of you at the reunion!!!!

20yrs and counting.....

Stacey Enoch

Class President

08/07/18 08:28 AM #26    


Dwayne Perry

Hey Stacey! I'm ready to volunteer whenever and wherever. Just hit me up!

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