Classmate Profiles (1936)


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Pauline Beall
Mary Edith Boyle
Edward Bryant
Charles Busby
Bob Collier
Dora Copeland
Kathryn Davis
Roy Cobb Dyer
Dorris Fields
Kennith Griffith
Imodene Hanna
Almaloyce Huggins
Oleta Huggins
Dorothy Jean Jones
Alice Kuehn
Dortha Myrik
Hall Nall
Maudine Pharis
Leonard Pope
Gladys Pratt
Eugene Prickett
Walter Reves
Leota Sams
Marvin Sams
Lendal Shadix
Ben Smith
Cecil Gus Smith
Rayborn Spence
Raymond Spence
Pauline Strickland
Eileene Suiter
George Taylor
V. L. Teaver
Muriel Trussell
Pauline Weathers
Anna Dell Wharton
Raymond Whatley
Glenna Whifill
Jack Williamson
Gwendolyn Joy Wofford
Carolee Woodward

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