Classmate Profiles (1943)


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Betty Allen
Bonnie Jean Beall
June Carthel
Jean Casey
J. C. Colvin
Delbert Dagley
Dorris Davis
Elbert Degley
Eldon Dillard
Marie Dillard
Shirley Floyd
Allie Jo Ford
LaVerne Frizzell
Lanell Griffith
Nora Griffith
Mozelle Haley
Winifred Hargis
Leonard Harper
J. T. Hill
Homer Howard
Mary Huckabee
R. L. Knox
Reba Sue Kuykendall
Naomi Langford
Geraldine Livesay
Maxine McGinley
Samuel McGowen
Clinton Mitchell
Doris Mudgett
John Parrock
Donal Pemberton
Lawrence Quisenberry
Norman Quisenberry
Harold Jo Ramsey
Elsie Lee Rape
Wayne Roberson
Lou Seaman
Dorothy Sheffield
Glenna Smith
Stella Strickland
James Tayleer
Virginia Thomas
Mary Ruth Thornton
Rae Thornton
Billie Dean Trussell
Aubrey Weathers
Joan Wells
Paul Wilson
Jean Wisdom
Ralph Wofford
Evelyn Yearout
Milton Zimmerman

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