Classmate Profiles (1962)

     User has created a profile: 2
     Military Service: 1
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Rose Almendrez
Tony Arterburn
Johnnie Belt
Jan Brewer
Rayland Brotherton
Janis Carthel
Lavona Carthel
Robert Carthel
Anita Cooper
Teddy Bob Cooper
Larry Cross
Raymond Davis
Tommy Duvall
Patsy Elam
Keith Emert
Dixie Ford
Johnny Harris
Cleatis Hayes
Robert Holland
Margaret Huff
Jerry Johnson
Paulette Kropp
Bobby Leach
Howard Mangold
Audrey McCormick
Lydia Poole
Arlene Purcell
Jo Readheimer
Rodney Rigby
Jimmy Rushing
Donna Sammann (Mankins)   
Jerry Sams
Herbert Smith
Eddie Stinebaugh
Tommy Strickland
Billy Thomas
Judy Thomas
Mae Frances Washington
Nancy Webster
Jimmmy Whitfill
Johnny Willis
James Wofford    

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