Classmate Profiles (1963)

     User has created a profile: 1
     Military Service: 1
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Lavon Baughman
Carolyn Belt
Ronnie Belt
Bob Brotherton    
Charlotte Brown
Pricilla Carthel
David Cates
Ruby Cauthen
Kenneth Clark
Harlan Crume
Nadine Cumby
Russell Davis
Rita Dollar
Claudine Ellis
Katy Fewell
Ray Ford
Coraluz Fulfer
Sue Gilbert
Joe Frank Hawkins
Bobby Holt
Judy Holt
Beverly Jeffress
Louise Jones
Ronnie Kidd
Mable Kitrell
Carla Lemons
Pablo Lerma
Mary Malouf
Tom McCready
Tommy Musser
Mike Nance
Betty Nelson
DeLinda Phillips (Glasson)
Juanell Potts
Janie Rhoades
Cheryl Rucker (Teeter)
Coralus Sandlin
Linda Scheele
Fern Sissney
Sandra Smith
Mary Starkey
Colleen Taylor
Candance Thornton
John M. Tye
Ernie Widener
Wayne Workman
Darrell Yoakum
Clement Zavala

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