Classmate Profiles (1966)


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Linda Abbott
Jennie Adams
Ricky Adams
Armando Alaniz
Bobby Barclay
Elton Blendon
Debra Brandes
Dale Brown
Vonda Burris
Gayle Carthel
Linda Carthel
Wayland Carthel
Celia Copeland
Danny Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Janette Dodson
Don Dunavan
Jackie Durham
Carolyn Ellis
Mike Fields
Jimmy Fitzgerald
Dale Gallaway
Pete Gipson
Sarah Harden
Tim Hartman
Joe Hayes
Bill Hays
Aubrey Holt
Carol Howell
Tommy Hutton
Teresa Jimenez
Gay Lambert
Phil Lemons
Connie McPherson
Mark Merrell
Jackie Mickey
Florence Miller
Nancy Mills
David Mitchell
Robert Moody
Alice Ochoa
Kay Pate
Myra Quebe
Benny Reecer
Byron Schacht
Pat Schaffner
Tommy Sherman
Buck Smith
Charles Smith
Steve Stansell
Jim Thomas
Bettie Washington
Stanley Watson
Judy Whitfill
Arnold Young
Donald Young
Ann Zanello
JoAnn Zavala

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