Classmate Profiles (1967)

     User has created a profile: 3
     Profile contains photos: 1
     Military Service: 1
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Barbara Bagley
Irene Bean
Larry Beedy
Jerry Bigham
Kenneth Blendon
Cathy Brotherton
Lloyd Collis
Cherry Dickson
Sally Dodson
Donna Dudley
Janet Edwards
Mary Frizzell
Mary Gonzales
Paulo Goss
Joe Green
June Hayes
Shirley Hayes
Edith Henderson (Cook)   
Dinah Hodel
Debbie Hopper
Jerry Hulcy    
Trudy Jarrett (Mason)
Rolanda Jeffcoat
Ricky Kellison
Ronnie Marr
Keith McCulloch
Mark Montandon
Dianne Mooney
Wyatt Phillips
Garry Pruitt
Jerry Pruitt
Linda Pruitt
Sandra Pruitt
Glen Quebe
Glenda Quebe
Gloria Salazar
Ermelinda Sanchez
Cheryl Seago
Melvin Sissney
Bennie Sue
Wayne Taack
John Thacker
Linda Weathers
Bobby Webster
John Westhers
Linda Wooten
David Workman    

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