Classmate Profiles (1969)

     User has created a profile: 4
     Military Service: 1
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Bill Aston
Ronnie Austin
Bruce Baccus
Euca Fay Baldwin
Jerry Don Barclay
Steve Barker
Cindy Barnes
Lanny Barnett
John F. Bickley
Carolyn Byrd
Debby Carthel
Sue Carthel
Pedro Castro
Barbara Collis
Ken Cooley
Glenda Cooper (Jones)
Vicki Daniels
June Davis
Harold Dean
Danny Dorcas
Brenda Dudley
Brentie Dutton (Harris)   
Humberto Flores
Saturnino Garcia
Shawna Gilly
Ben Gonzales
Ricky Griffith    
Ronnie Griffith
Janie Guerra
Bill Howard
Mickey Jarrett (Gowler)   
Carlton Johnson
Mary Johnson
Tandy Johnston
Genita Jones
Tommy Lovings
Janice Lucas
Gary Marr
Janice Martin
Debbie Miller
Pam Mills
Mike Moody
Deborah Mooney
Johnny Pena
John Quebe
Cindy Rankin
Randy Reecer   
Frank Saucedo, Jr.
David Smith
Kathy Thornton (Kellison)
Sandra Toler
Waverly Washington
Karen Watson
Jane Whitfill
Nancy Wigington
Wanda Wiley
Jann Wofford

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