Classmate Profiles (1981)

     User has created a profile: 1
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 1
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1


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Cindy Adams (McIntosh)   
Irene Araujo
Mike Arellano
Jeff Aufill
David Balderas
Fidel Blanco
Byron Brock
Nick Christian
Dawn Clark
Sheris Clark
John Cummings
Laura Davis
Rebecca Evans
Julie Ferguson
Roxanne Ford
John Fortenberry
Julie Frizzell (Cotham)
Steven Galvan
Dale Gibson
Dominique Gonzales
Joe David Gonzales
Mario Gonzales
Angie Guerrero
Roy Guerrero
Bryan Hayes
Tammy Hayes
Susie Hernandez
Rosalind Hill
Rhonda Hooten
Dewight Jackson
Irene Mariscal
Santos Mariscal
Ester Martinez
Lupe Martinez
Rosemary Martinez
Jaime McCulloch
Dee McPherson
Cindy Michelson
Tonya Nance
Domingo Nuncio
Melissa Perez
Christi Poole
Adrian Ramirez
Moises Ramirez
Joe Reay
Johnny Rodriguez
Javier Rodriquez
Cynthia Salinas
Monty Smith
Sharon Spencer (Ard)   
Mike Stennett
Janette Stephan
Penny Sterling
Glenna Sue
Lane Turner
Alex Vasquez
Idalia Vasquez
Martha Vela
Vincente Villalon Jr.
Debra Webb
Jill Whitfill

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