Classmate Profiles (1985)

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Latona Belt
Irene Cantu
Cindy Castro
Betty Kay Cates
Tammy Clark
Cindy Cooper
Mary Ester Cortez
Gracie DeLeon
Tamara Elam
Evelia Elias
Sarah Fitzerald
Hector Garcia
Sandra Garcia
Ralph Gonzales
Robert Guerrero
Brent Hallmark
Donna Hernandez
Margaret Holaday
Gerald Johnson
Gary Kent
Terry Mathis
David McCulloch
Paul Moats
Serafin Mondragon
Daniel Perales
Randy Perales
Scott Poole
Nicki Race
Adam Rodriquez
Rodolfo Rodriquez
Able Salas
Sulema Salinas
Billy Bob Sherman
Monty Teeter   
Ritchie Thornton
Minerda Torres
Darron Widener

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