In Memory


Cause of Death: Leukemia
Flame City: Lodi
Flame State: CA
Flame Country: USA
Survived By: Wife Lisa, son Dane, mother Linda, sister Tracy and niece Tiffany.

"There are many of us who miss our buddy Tim." - Dave Gifford

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04/12/10 10:44 PM #1    

Krisey Girard (Luiz)

Tim was such a great friend to so many of us! I miss him so much. His humor, goofy personality and sweet smile live on through his son Dane. His wife Lisa is an amazing lady and mother. Miss and love you Timmy!!

07/20/10 08:58 PM #2    

Boyd Lachance

Tim was a great guy. Growing up as a youngster I can still remember swimming with and against him along with Brook Perry, Ryan Hansen, and many more guppies....Being the new kid on the team at the age of 7, Tim was there to show me the ropes and take me in some. He was kinda the ring leader even back then. We lost touch as the years went by but it's important to note Tim was a good friend during my childhood. I miss your jokes and sarcasm. Rest in peace.

Boyd Lachance 

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