In Memory

Felecia Shankle (Rogers)

Felecia Shankle (Rogers)

In Memoriam: Felecia Shankle-Rogers, UT Law Class of 2001

AUSTIN, Texas — Felecia Shankle-Rogers, a recent alumna of The University of Texas School of Law, died at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, on Wed., Dec. 8, 2004. Rogers suffered a severe stroke that left her in a coma while on her honeymoon in Bangkok, Thailand. She was 27 years old.

As a tribute, Felecia’s friends and family have created The Felecia Shankle-Rogers Endowed Presidential Scholarship. Awarded on the basis of merit, this scholarship will afford deserving law students the opportunity to achieve their educational goals while minimizing their financial burdens. Contributions should be made payable to “The University of Texas Law School Foundation” and sent to The Felecia Shankle-Rogers Endowed Presidential Scholarship Fund, c/o Nancy Brazzil, Assistant Dean for Development & Alumni Relations, The University of Texas School of Law, 727 East Dean Keeton Street, Austin, Texas 78705.

Rogers grew up in Longview, Texas and graduated from Longview High School in 1995. She received a B.A. in sports management and communications, with high honors, from The University of Michigan in 1998, and a J.D. from The University of Texas in 2001. She practiced intellectual property law with Leydig, Voit & Mayer in Chicago since 2002.

“Felecia was a wonderful person. Her presence here at the Law School made everyone she knew better for the experience,” said Dean Bill Powers.

Shankle's torts professor, David Anderson, recalled her days at UT Law. “Felecia was remarkably cheerful and friendly. She was full of enthusiasm, and had a smile and a warm hello for everyone.”

Her moot court coach Kameron Johnson, '92, recalls his time coaching Shankle on the Frederick Douglass Moot Court team. Johnson, a juvenile public defender in Austin and former adjunct professor at UT Law said, “She was an outstanding advocate and along with Wendy Hall became regional champions and national finalists. She also showed extraordinary advocacy as a member of the Juvenile Justice Clinic where she represented juveniles in proceedings in District Court.”

“Felecia was one of the students who vigorously sought to ensure that a post-Hopwood UT Law was as diverse as a pre-Hopwood UT Law,” said close friend and fellow alumna Wendy Hall, ‘01. “She spent countless hours recruiting during her three years at the Law School and was quick to tell prospective students that her choice of UT Law over Stanford was eminently logical considering the comparable education and the vast difference in costs.”

“The untimely death of Felecia Shankle-Rogers this December was a tragic loss for her family and friends as well as the legal profession," said Melynda Price, a close friend and fellow 2001 graduate of UT Law. “Felecia was, throughout our woefully short relationship, my friend, my consigliere and the more disciplined half of our two-woman study group for the Texas Bar Exam,” Price said.

Rogers is survived by her husband, Roy G. Rogers; her parents, Mary and George Shankle Sr.; a brother, George Shankle, Jr., and sister-in-law, Jessica Shankle; her nephews, Nuh and Tristian; her mother-in-law, Katrina Rogers; her grandparents, Ethel Beck and Viola Shankle; and many other relatives and friends.
