Manny Gomes

Profile Updated: January 6, 2009
Where do you live now?

Buena Park, California

What do you do now?

Author, teacher, student.

Married? To who? When? How long?

I was married to Darlene Sousa (from Dos Palos) for seven years. We divorced in 1997. We have a daughter but Darlene moved away in 2002 and didn't give any forwarding information. I haven't been able to contact my daughter since then.


Natalia Marie born January 23, 1993.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Surf, make bamboo flutes, meditate, yoga.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I don't know - maybe that I joined the Air Force and visited exotic places like Keflavik and Kuwait. I became an ordained Buddhist priest. I wrote a book on Buddhist meditation. I'm working on a Master's in Comparative Religion. I still surf.

What’s your favorite memory of LBHS?

It usually involved ditching class.

Least favorite memory?

Getting caught ditching class by Mr. Gastello.

Any words of wisdom?

MU means...not even one thing...

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Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
