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To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?

Created on: 09/25/09 04:31 PM Views: 2319 Replies: 9
To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31 AM

I know that some of us have been "around the world" in pieces at least! How about sharing the far flung foreign places you have traveled and what took you to those places. I bet everyone would be AMAZED!

I will start on this one. Being a performer gave me opportunity for lots of free travel. There were some places we didn't want to go to, of course because we always had equipment to travel ahead of us and had to worry that it would get there in one piece and NOT LOST! Horrors!  I have been to Munich in '70, making a movie, & Copenhagen (Tivoli Gardens), on location for the same movie;  Copenhagen in '71 again to work at Tivoli Gardens flying on the trapeze: Hawaii in '76!, working with the Harlem Globe-Trotters as their half time entertainment: Australia in '78, doing a thrill show with Evil Kneivel performing our tramkpoline and comedy car. We built a comedy cars over there, basically a duplication of our car in the states...an Austin Mini Cooper!  We found that NO ONE knew what in the world this car was. I have been vacationing to the Bahamas (Walker's Cay, Abacco, & Eluthra on 2 occasions in the late 80's and early '90's and to Mexico in '08 on a medical mission trip with my church in Hyde Park. It was only a boarder town near Brownsville, tho. I could but won't be going back this year due to the Drug/US/Mexican Boarder problems. I'm always ready to go some where and hope to plan an out of the country trip for next year. Any of you gals feel the need to roam? LOL!

Hi! Let's Talk!

RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Tuesday, September 29, 2009 01:17 AM

OK fellow classmates, I see that 32 people have viewed where in the world I have traveled. How about just one or two of you posting where YOU have been! Jimmie, I know you've been out of the country along with you too, Laura. All you guys that have served in the military MUST have been stationed somewhere other than stateside. Oh, come on....give it up! Inquiring minds want to know!!! ...or at least I do.  Attached photo is of Harrison and I on the beach at Spanish Wells, Eleutherea Island, The Bahamas, l987...only one of many places but one of my favorites. I LOVE anyplace with sand and surf! 

Hi! Let's Talk!

RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Tuesday, September 29, 2009 04:39 PM

 Karin:  OK, you got me.  Not so much with your plea for responses but by the 2:17AM time stamp.  You need to get some sleep.

 So here goes.  Think of me as the Forrest Gump of the foreign policy set.  If something needed doing and nobody else wanted to go, they sent me to:

Nigeria during the civil war.

Vietnam after all US combat troops were out.

Timbuktu on a disaster relief mission.

Uganda immediately after President for Life Idi Amin was overthrown----a dangerous mistake that visit.


The Thai/Cambodian border at the time refugees were beginning to come out of the killing fields.

Nicaragua for a chat with Pres. Somosa about earthquake relief funds.

Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan through the Khyber Pass to Afghanistan.

A few other places, some of them very nice, e.g. Bali, Kenya, Tanzania and some other places in more recent times.



Edited 09/29/09 04:40 PM
RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Sunday, October 4, 2009 12:20 AM

Damn, Rudy, you got to go to all the fun places!  I always knew you had the most interesting job of all of us.  All my traveling in Europe stories would be boring to you except I did arrive in Prague in 1972 on a late night train to be met by Warsaw Pact troops with guns on every street corner.  That scared the crap out of me!

RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Thursday, October 8, 2009 02:26 AM

OK Karen......since you called me out by name........let's see......

Europe....London. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Calais, Dover, Paris, Lieden ( Holland), Munich, Innsbruck, Heidelberg, Ireland, Barcelona, Madrid, Monte Carlo, South of France , Geneva, Florence, Venice, ROMA, Sicily, Croatian coast ( believe it or not, one on the most beautiful places on earth), Amsterdam

Hawaii....all the islands. Bali ( KUTA Beach), Singapore (cleanest city on earth), Jakarta.           ( scratch that one off 'yer list), American Samoa ( don't even put it on your list), Samoa             ( beautiful place) (most beautiful beach I've ever seen)...(Paradise Beach)...can't even begin to describe it......

Macao, Tokyo, Kyoto ( old capital of Japan...all the really ancient temples are there ,,,,incredible....) all through Japan.....Hong Kong

North Africa...Marakesh...( rode the Express )....and a few others......most on business, a lot on pleasure, and some on pure insanity..(Amsterdam, Marakesh etc.)........that's it in a nutshell......oh yeah..........Mazatlan, Central America ( Panama, Honduras( great diving) etc, Cabo, Puerto Vallarte, .....USA RULES.............













Edited 10/08/09 02:49 PM
RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Thursday, October 8, 2009 11:31 PM

The three of you have me beat in the travel department but you all probably made a lot more money than me at that time or your job took you there.  But, Jim, have to agree about the Croatian coast; it's beautiful.  I spent a week in Dubrovnik in 1972, took a harrowing mountain ride in Montenegro where we ended up having the bus surrounded by a shitload of gypsies as our driver negotiated hairpin turns at about 5 MPH, and visited Dioclesian's Palace in Split.  Went to my first nudist beach (read: rocks, big flat rocks) on an island near Dubrovnik, and met a woman from Boston who stayed in same B&B as me.  We stayed in touch when I got back to Boston, she moved to San Francisco, and she introduced me to my husband five years later when I went to visit her.  Strange, huh???  There are many places I would love to visit again or go to for the first time but there are many more places than money to pay for it.  I would be almost afraid to return to many of them since the world has changed and foreign places are so Americanized.  The best thing to me about travel was the challenge of figuring out where the bathroom was, was food to order, how to catch a train, etc. when you didn't know the language!! How much fun were hostels, esp. the ones that had only cold water?? Remember carrying AMEX travelers checks, not an ATM card??? And how you could make friends in the AMEX banks while cashing the checks?  And when your parents had NO IDEA where you were because phoning was too expensive??  FOREIGN TRAVEL USED TO BE AN ADVENTURE AND A CHALLENGE!!  Does anyone else feel that way???

RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Friday, October 9, 2009 12:47 AM

Linda......you hit the nail on the head......First time I was in Mazatlan, it was a fishing village.....maybe 10 buildings.......and an old delapadated bar......called "Senior Frogs"....That's right......the original........Me , Corky, Stumpe, Chase, Z.......we were in Corky's 56 Ford....doors tied shut...(No Latches)....just jumped in and out of the windows.....and the hood was tied down as well....(No Latch)....."We didn't need no stinkin' latches".......

It's no longer an adventure.....it's a competition now......Kids stay in first class Hotels.....swim in pools, not the Oceans, drink Chocolate smoothies and Vodka, not tequila, and if they get lost, they are clueless as to how to get anywhere without a GPS.......We never got lost....'cause we were where we were........until we got to the next place.......Remember how we stayed in touch?.....telegrams through AMEX........!!!........first thing you did when you got into wherever you were going was check for a telegram from one of the 30 or so people you had met so far, to see where everyone was going next...then you'd plan your next riff......

I know Exactly what you are talking about.......The adventure is gone.....the independence is gone........Hell...back in the day, You could a' parachuted us into Afghanistan totally broke, and if we wanted, we'd be back in New York in 3 days.......with cash in our pockets......and we'd never have missed a meal..........everything's too easy now.......Bunch a' Sissys.......


Click on the link above........this is how we traveled back in the day.....( Corky was on guard that night)






Edited 11/01/09 02:00 PM
RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Friday, October 9, 2009 02:55 PM

You guys are making me so jealous.  We didn't go to any foreign places when we were young and poor.  And it does seem too easy now, not like the books I read.  Modern does seem to mean "The same everywhere" these days.

RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Saturday, October 10, 2009 09:38 AM

 They say that travel is broadening.  Maybe that is why the airline seats seem smaller and smaller each year.



RE: To what far flung places have you traveled and what has taken you there?
Posted Thursday, December 3, 2009 01:30 AM

I just read through all the above travel comments again and I must say I did enjoy them just as much as I did the first time I read them; and  I do agree with all your comments. However, there appears to be one central theme here; we are all starting to sound like "our PARENTS"!!!

