In Memory

Bill Brinkerhoff

Bill Brinkerhoff

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03/18/16 12:15 AM #1    

Cheryl Cox (Crawford)

Honoring the memory of our friend and classmate.............

03/18/16 03:03 PM #2    

Stan Saltas

Bill and I grew up in Magna and attended school together.  Our familes were very close.  Bill was a kind and gererous friend, always had a smile on face.  We celebarated many Greek functions together, sharing many Greek meals our moms would make.  To the Brinkerhoff family please accept my belated condolences on Bill's passing.  YASSO! my friend.

Stan Saltas




09/02/16 05:05 PM #3    

JoAnn Thomas (Empey)

I knew Bill from Cyprus and the classes we shared. I willl never forget him. He seemed to always be happy! WE used to kid around alot mostly him teasing me. He was a terrific guy I knew in my life when I was carefree and naive. His smile and laughter is what remember most. 

God bless your family.

JoAnn Thomas Empey- class of '66


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