In Memory

John Barker

John Barker

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02/10/09 01:18 PM #1    

Melody Reid

What?! When did this happen? Am I that out of the loop? I'm shocked and sad!

02/11/09 01:32 AM #2    

Wendel Calvert

John battled depression for pretty much the whole time that I knew him, and when he was happy, he was great, and when he was depressed, he was miserable. Unfortunately, he took his own life in either 1993 or 1994 (don't quote me on that). At least he's with his Mom again. I just feel for his son, Blake and the mother of his child. John's stepfather is still torn up about losing both John and his wife. I'll never forget my clubbin' buddy, nor his Mom. JEEZ, she could COOK! RIP you two.

03/13/09 09:54 AM #3    

Angie Bagley (Ross)

John was my friend and neighbor. We lost contact when I moved away and I regret it tremendously. I was close to his mom and stepfather as well during highschool, and now I have heard that his mom has passed as well? How and when?

03/25/09 09:30 PM #4    

Warren Terrell

John was one of my best friends going through high school at Magnolia. I spent alot of time with he and his family over those fun high school years, and man did we have some fun playing summer league basketball, throwing parties and occassionally traveling throughout the state visiting family. I was in the military when I got the call from his Mom that he was gone and it was one of my worst days ever because I always looked forward to seeing John when I came home on leave. One thing that I took from his loss is never leave a message unanswered because about 1 week before his death John tried to reach me and I was not available to hear what he was going through and I still to this day think I could have helped him through it. R.I.P. my friend and we'll be reunited when my number is called but for now much love to you and tell mama I miss her too.... I miss you dearly!

05/12/09 11:47 AM #5    

Meredith Tyner (Holley)

Sweet John.... Remember my first party at his house. We were playing basketball. Girls against the guys. John came down on my ankle and I was out of ball for 2 wks. He never stopped saying he was sorry. You were a hoot to be around. Miss u!

08/14/09 03:29 PM #6    

Denise McClung (Guzman)

What a great guy and friend. I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I hope he is doing better in the after life.

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