In Memory


Randy Ramey

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02/11/09 01:33 AM #1    

Wendel Calvert

I miss you, man....

02/16/09 02:57 PM #2    

Amber Zinsmeyer (Persyn)

I know we lost Randy during our sophomore year. So fall of 87 or spring of 88.

03/13/09 09:46 AM #3    

Angie Bagley (Ross)

Our class angel..........always looking over us.

03/13/09 12:59 PM #4    

Mary Shaffer (Hinojosa)

When I think of Randy, I still get a smile on my face. What a guy! I'm sure he'll be at the reunion in spirit. We'll never forget Randy...

03/17/09 01:58 PM #5    

John Coleman

Does anyone know how to get ahold of his mom? I am sure she would love to attend. Lost touch with her after the late ninety's

03/17/09 10:59 PM #6    

Amy Crum (Hernandez)

You just cant go back on high school memories and not see Randy!! What a fun friend!! Cant believe it's been this many years.

05/12/09 11:42 AM #7    

Meredith Tyner (Holley)

I still see him and the guys with the flipped up collars! Miss you so much! Handsom, intelligent and full of life. I know you and your brother are up there looking after us all.

05/19/09 02:55 PM #8    

Elizabeth Craze (Lett)

I cannot look at my Jr. year picture without thinking of Randy. I had on a white polo shirt that day and right before I went in, he flipped up my collar. Said it looked better that way.

08/14/09 03:26 PM #9    

Denise McClung (Guzman)

Think of Randy often - he had such a great spirit and we all loved to be around him. always loving memories

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