In Memory

Johnny Schmidt

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04/13/09 10:55 PM #1    

Mary Shaffer (Hinojosa)

Johnny, the brother that my mother never had. He will always remembered as having a smile on his face and helping hand ready to assist. Johnny worked for my father for many years and was my (now) husbands best friend as kids. I will always remember Johnny as the person that loved my family and was excited about his future with the family business. I will remember introducing him to girls at the FFA State pageant at the Astrodome as "my brother" and him just eating it up!!! I will remember him taking care of my dad's business with Bubba and looking for my steer when it got loose...twice! I remember him knocking on my door in the morning as to not scare me and sitting and talking about what happened at Virginia City the night before... No one will ever understand the trials he must have been going through, but all will remember how much they loved him.

Johnny you are remembered with smiles and hugs!

By the way Johnny ~ I married Bubba, can you believe it??!!??

Love you always,


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