In Memory

Cassie Van Horn

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08/14/09 03:23 PM #1    

Denise McClung (Guzman)

I love you and miss you very much! We used to take forever to get ready to go out!

09/01/09 12:09 AM #2    

Jessica Van Horn (Cassie's Sister) (English)

Hi my name is Jessica Van Horn -English . I am the sister of Cassie L. Van Horn. I am sure that so many people do not know what happened to my sister. Well the story goes like this. On 05/12/1992 my sister Cassie and one of her friends( Jana) were out drinking . Well the witness told us they heard Cassie say that she was too drunk to drive. So she said she was going to call our Mother to come and get her. Well Jana her friend spoke up and said she was okay to drive. Then we heard that Jana started flirting and racing with these guys while she was driving my sister's car. The next thing we heard was that Jana dropped her cigarett on the car floor. So she bent over to get the cig. and lost control of the car. The car went flying over the Galveston Seawall. We were not contacted until 7 a.m. The accident happened @ 2:30 A.M. So by the time we got to the hospital my sister was in a coma. The girl(Jana) that was driving the car was not that badly hurt. So on 05/13/1992 they did tests on my sister and found that she was brain dead. My family contacted the police dept. to see what charges were going to be filed against Jana. They had the nerve to tell us that it was written up as a freak accident. there were not going to be any charges! So this is where the sad story ends. My beautiful sister lost her life and the driver just walked away! I miss her every single day of my life and I always will. R.I.P. Cassandra Lynn Van Horn (01/08/71-05/13/92) I really love you, your sister, Jessica J. Van Horn- English

09/01/09 12:13 AM #3    

Jessica Van Horn (Cassie's Sister) (English)

We were only 13 months apart . So I can not remember when you were not in my life up until the day you were wrongly taken away from me. I miss You sissy every day ! There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you !

09/03/09 11:44 PM #4    

Tonya Bohannon

Alot of people didn't know Cassie the way that Denise and I did... To alot of people she was a really tall girl who liked to go out and party... Well, she was that for sure and alot more !!! lol... I know that I think of Cassie often and I know that some of the most fun days of my life were spent with her.... We will miss her forever... Love, Ton...

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