In Memory

Lori Tacheny

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08/12/08 09:18 AM #1    

Justin Cafourek

Hmmmm, where to start about Lori...From K to 12th, to moving by my parents before 7th grade as well as writing back in forth in college, all I can say is that I miss her. The world doesn't seem the same, just knowing she's not in it....

09/03/08 11:11 PM #2    

Jeff Giacomini

John Wiebold called me in Phoenix to let me know what happened. Lori was in Boston. We had written back an forth a couple times and I had not returned her last letter from the month before.

I had a crush on her since 7th grade. She only let me take her out once in High School. I would have loved a second date...

Good memeories. Sweet Lady.

09/07/08 03:19 PM #3    

Amy Klugherz

I appreciate everyone's enthusiasm and support of the Lori Tacheny Scholarship Fund. It meant a lot to Lori's parents (and Julie Ostgarden's parents) that we took time to honor her. They were touched. To anyone who wants to donate to the fund, please send your checks to Loyola and let them know it is for Lori's fund.

Part of the significance of the event on Friday was the opportunity for so many of us to think about Lori and work through her death now that the wound is a bit cleaner through the passing of time. For me, I looked back at many letters from college. In every one Lori challenged me to think about the world and be "present". She also took time to tell me nice things about me and our relationship and all the possiblities for me. How lucky was I!?!?!? What a friend.

09/07/08 10:39 PM #4    

Justin Cafourek

In continuing with Amy's posting...I too, have kept all of my letters from Lori when we wrote back & forth in college. In every letter, she always signed off by saying, "have fun & don't lose perspective". I've always have remembered that...

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