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10/18/09 10:59 AM #1    

Karen Stubbs (Dougherty)

Welcome to the Marshalltown High School Class Of 1960 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

03/02/10 01:04 PM #2    

Larry Fritz

I believe it will be very useful for myself and everyone

03/03/10 02:58 PM #3    


Edla Isaacson (Siewell)

This has been very good. 50 years is a very long time and it has been fun remembering different names and faces. I was born and raised in Marshalltown till we finished our Junior year and than moved to Sumner where I graduated May, 1960. I still consider myself an MHS alumni. I was at the reunion in 1990 and it was fun trying to remember so many. I wish we were going to be able to make the one in Sept. for the 50th. I will order a photo so that will be good to see everyone now. My hat off to everyone who put this together. YOU DID A VERY GOOD JOB AND THANKS SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME. Edla Isaacson Siewell

03/28/10 05:51 PM #4    

Karen Stubbs (Dougherty)

I found this interesting article on the internet. I think I remembering seeing something like it in the Ann Landers column.

High School Reunion Jitters

Anyone who has been to a class reunion knows there is a certain amount of anxiety associated with attending a reunion. As the reunion approaches your mind becomes flooded with thoughts. Will there be anyone there I know? What if my old boyfriend or girlfriend is there? What if nobody remembers me? What if I don't recognize classmates or remember their names? What if I run into someone I didn't get along with in school? I've put on weight. I've gone gray. I've lost my hair. I'm not that successful.

Relax! You are not alone in these thoughts. Everyone else is having the same exact thoughts and reunion jitters. Don't let these thoughts get in the way of attending your class reunion.

Bottomline is we have all changed. So what! You're not 17 anymore. The laws of gravity and time catch up with all of us eventually. Changes are an inevitable fact of life. Accept yourself for who you are. Be yourself. Celebrate life's changes. Relax and go and have a good time. Letting such negative thoughts impact your decision to attend may result in you missing out on a wonderful time.

Focus your thoughts instead on the positive aspects of attending. This is an opportunity to go out and have some fun once every 5 or 10 years, renew old friendships, catch up with each other's lives, to celebrate your youth and feel young again (if only for a moment), to reminisce about the good old days, to share time with old friends while we are still able to, to celebrate our changes. You will quickly find that people are not there to judge you but are there for the same reasons you are to have a great time and touch their past. It can be a wonderfully rejuvenating experience. When it is over we can take comfort in the fact that we have all changed, we've all gone down different paths in life but that we all still share a common bond and enjoy a good party.

Here's some tips to help you relax at your class reunion:
- Go with an attitude of having fun.
- Be yourself and be proud of who you are.
- Dress comfortably.
- Remember everyone will have changed. You're not alone.
- Hookup with a few close classmates beforehand and go to reunion together.
- It's perfectly ok to not remember somebody. Our memories all fade. That's why name tags were invented!

04/27/10 11:37 AM #5    

Paul Eker

This is a great idea! Thanks to Aniata and Karen for all they have done. I was wondering if anybody had any pictures of the old Arnold school. I know Marilyn Faust (Roberts) used to live across the street from it. It was on the cornor of South 7th street and  West Linn street.I went to school there, before they tore it down and made a playground out of it. Then they transfered all of us to Glick. Did any one else go there? Lets see if you can remember! Let us know.


Paul Eker 




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