In Memory

Kyle Broyer

Kyle Broyer

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09/13/09 12:51 AM #1    

Todd Fisher

Was a life long friend. Wish he could have been around to enjoy life longer. See you soon Kyle............

09/14/09 07:42 PM #2    

Crystal Zoller

I really enjoyed hanging around with Kyle and Todd we had some fun. Kyle was a good person with a great big heart.

09/23/09 09:36 PM #3    

Rachel Kuhn (Harrison)

What can be said of Kyle.... so full of life!!! Always had a smile on his face everytime i saw him. My best memories of him are being at my house and him coon hunting with my dad! He had a story for everything! Gone but never forgotten!!! You are truly missed... RIP!

10/15/09 12:31 PM #4    

Cheryl Cochran (Taylor)

What I remember about Kyle, besides being sweet. He used to sleep in Health class. I think it was Mr. Koontz he would throw water on Kyle to wake him up.

09/21/10 10:06 AM #5    

Shanan Dow

What I remember of Kyle is that he was a jokester in Ag class and FFA.   He was a good guy, easy to get along with and his life was taken way too soon.

01/06/11 09:11 AM #6    

Todd Fisher


R.I.P. Kyle passed  away Feb.11,1992 with a Heart defect he had from birth that no one new till it was too late.

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