In Memory

Arthur Balat

Arthur Balat

Arthur "Art" Balat  died Thursday, June 24, 2004 in his home

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05/10/09 02:55 PM #1    

Nan Waidlich (Lucas)

Arties family and mine were very close when i was growing up. He grandma Winnie and his Mom Pat and my Mom spent every friday night together for many many years. Artie and I spent a lot of time together in our younger years, ice skating at Hersey and tons of other things he did with our family, he as like a brother. Before high school we started to part ways as we had different friends and interests. Even though our families stayed very close all through the years, Artie and I kept in touch only through our parents. He is gone now and I have regretted not taking a moment to just say hi to an old friend. The memories we had will always live on. Poor kid never did learn to be a very good ice skater even though we went week after week! LOL
He is in a much better place, I bet he can ice skate now! I pray he is skating on those streets of gold while resting with our Master Creator, Jesus Christ!

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