In Memory

Vince Maniscalco

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03/04/11 04:25 PM #1    

Lauren Everett

I'm going to miss you Vince. I know we weren't the closest friends, but I enjoyed the moments we shared in band, and the many times we just talked. Either because we were both lonely, or because we just had something funny to talk about. You were such a wonderful person, the light in so many people's lives. You have been, and will continue to be missed.

03/06/11 03:28 PM #2    

Kat Rich

My best friend in high school and I sat together at lunch, usually away from everyone else so we could have 'girl talk.'  Vince (and another male-friend, I can't remember who it was) would join us for a few minutes while they were having some discussion.  It would be along the lines of 'if this had happened, how history would have turned out differently?'  And everyday, in his hand, he would have a new print out from the website and it would be some complex thing that he couldn't figure out and he was asking other people (or maybe that's just what he said to get others onto his favorite topics of conversation).  He came and sat next to us and we would listen to him talk to who ever it was he had with him about this history topic and then the topic about how this thing worked. 

It was common knowledge that Vince Maniscalco was extremely smart.  I don't exactly know why he passed or what the circumstances were, but I'm very disappointed that he passed away.  I didn't know him on a very personal level, so I only heard about his death a while after it happened.  I was particularly interested to see what he ended up doing and what he was able to achieve.   

"Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raajioon"

Arabic for: From God you come and to God you return

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