In Memory

William Arata

William Arata

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05/12/23 08:59 AM #2    

Luke Fitzgerald

Rest in peace old friend 

05/12/23 01:19 PM #3    

Timothy Mayer

I got the opportunity to speak with Bill in the last few years or so. Really loved that guy. We had planned to get together at some time in the not too distant future...hadn't seen or spoken to him since high school...but that did not come to pass...I regret that...Beautiful person...

05/13/23 08:58 AM #4    

Rodger Jones

Here's a photo Bill sent me back in the 1990's while we lived in Wisconsin. In the letter he asked me if I was going to attend an upcomming class of 73 reunion. Sadly, I could not go. Bill came to visit us on the 1980's while we lived in Iowa. It was a great visit and we updated each other on all we had done. He accomplished so much and was a distinctive, creative guy. I was about to reach out to see if he was going to attend the 50th. I know he'll be there in spirit. Our Penncrest years were filled with hanging out and listening to the Stones. He had great Mick Jagger moves! And we also got frustrated by 8-track tapes that would not work. I am glad I got to see Bill over the years and see his evolution as a unique, caring and creative person. Peace and love Bill.

05/14/23 06:02 AM #5    

Philip Cole

Many of us knew Bill, he was that kind of guy who made friends everywhere. We will miss him.

05/14/23 09:26 PM #6    

Michael Tedesco

Just got back from Palm Springs.  My wife and me were out there attending Bill's funeral services.  Bill and me have been friends since 2nd grade and for all these years have kept in touch.  Even though we lived 3000 miles apart from each other we always managed to get together over the years.  Not only here where Bill grew up, but also different places like Vegas, Gulf Shores (Alabama), San Diego,and Palm Springs where Bill resided.  Even though Bill was considered the class clown through grade school and high school, believe it or not he was a distinguished Marine, serving 20 years.  It was an honor and a privilege to attend his military funeral service.  He will be sorely missed by me and his family.  God bless you Bill and rest in peace.

05/15/23 07:51 AM #7    

Robin Waslick (Hession)

These tributes are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

05/16/23 06:26 PM #8    

James Walz

Bill was a good friend. We spent many good times together at coffee houses and concerts. Bill would always keep in touch with Dana and I when he was at the Jersey Shore with Mike Tedesco. We will always remember the laughs he provided. Our last time with him was watching Little Steven & The Disciples of Soul in 2018 perform at the Hard Rock Casino! We Salute You Bill on the other side. Rest in Peace our Friend! 


05/17/23 11:17 AM #9    

Sharon Teeple (Rafferty)

I knew Bill to be a kind and quiet guy, with a great sense of humor! He was my date for the Jr. Prom, and we had a great time there and at the party at Michael Drury's house. I have never forgotten when about 8 of us rode with Kirby Fleischman in his father's giant Lincoln to the Zodiac bar in Atlantic City. (New Jersey had just lowered the drinking age to 18, but has since repealed that.) We didn't drink much or make fools of ourselves, but we danced and had a great time. I was surprised to learn that Bill served 20 years in the Marine Corps! (I suppose many were surprised when I enlisted in the Army in September, 1973.) Thank you Bill for the good times and for your Service. May you forever rest in peace! 🇺🇸

05/29/24 06:29 AM #10    

Deborah Cordero (Huggins)

I saw Bill at the 45th reunion. We had lots of fun
He did tell me that Rodgers and Bobby D. We're very mean to him in highschool. Shame on them.

06/25/24 11:11 PM #11    

Deborah Cordero (Huggins)

What caused Bill Aratas death?

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