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Money will be used to offset all costs associated with the event space, equipment, catering, supplies, etc.


•   Gary Burdsall  7/24
•   Gary Shiffrin (MHS Teacher)  7/24
•   Jori Calabro (Hughes)  7/24
•   Richard Dargan  7/20
•   Shelia Caldwell (Brown)  7/16
•   Glenn Losasso  7/15
•   Daniel Towner  7/5
•   Anne Burton (Kaminski)  7/4
•   Larry Hegi  7/1
•   Greg Winn  6/23
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
56 live in Florida
6 live in Georgia
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Texas
533 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Melbourne High School
Class of 1974


It's Time to Buy Reunion Tickets!!!!! click on "50th Reunion Tickets - Buy Now!" on the left yellow menu bar. 

Your early ticket purchase helps us place the 50% deposit we must make with the caterer. Thank You! If you have special dietary needs, let us know thru the Contact Us feature - we will do our best to accomodate.

New Ways to Pay for Tickets – to make it easier for classmates to buy reunion tickets, we have set up additional ways to pay:

  • Zelle to Richard Dargan 417-489-4964 (preferred – goes right to Reunion Bank Acct)
  • Checks Payable to Richard Dargan (preferred #2) mailed to 545 Garfield Ave Apt 301, Cocoa Beach Fl 32931-4091
  • PayPal to DarganRichard@MyYahoo.comAgain, this goes right to our reunion bank account, but to avoid fees your PayPal needs to be linked to a bank account. If linked to a credit card, PayPal charges you 2.90% +$.30 for each transaction.
  • Venmo to @Richard-Dargan – You should see a pic of my wife and I in straw hats (to be sure it’s me 😊). (No fees, but least preferred as this requires multiple handling to get it to our reunion bank account,)

On the website ticket registration just select "check by mail" and then send payment via whatever method you choose from above (the system didn't have a way to add all these methods.)

Early Bird Drawing – As an incentive to purchase tickets sooner rather than later, all ticket purchasers that have purchased tickets thru the site and made payment by September 30 will be entered into a drawing for a $74 VISA gift card! Don’t miss out on a chance to win this. Get those tickets purchased!

Hotel Discount – For those coming from out of town, our committee has negotiated a discount at our (now) preferred Hotel - The Melby in downtown Melbourne ($144/night plus tax for two queens, $155/night plus tax for king bed, both rates include valet parking for one car per room). This hotel is very near (0.6 mi) to our Saturday night venue - The Front Street Civic Center. Hotel  Booking Link , group code MEL74, deadline to book 9/29/24


Remember, even though you can view some things on our site without signing in, you will have to be Signed-In to make any changes, add any pictures, look at classmate profiles, RSVP, etc. Please Sign-In! And also SAVE or SUBMIT your changes!





Welcome  to our Mel-Hi Class of ‘74 website (! This website will be the primary collection of info on our fellow classmates as we prepare for a 50 year class reunion this fall (October 25-26). It also is a great place to learn what your classmates have been up to the last 50 years thru their profiles. It also has a private message capability to send to classmates that have joined. We can add pictures, videos, even music. The website also gives the committee a way to email all the classmates that have joined and maintain the latest info on reunion planning plus much more! And best of all, it is FREE to join!

Explore - Please fully explore the site, it has been custom made for our class of Bulldogs! Please join if you haven't already by going to “Classmate Profiles”, click on your name and fill out your contact info and any additional info you are willing to share. The more you share, the more others will too. Even if you are unsure whether you can make it to a reunion in the fall, please fill out the info. Your classmates would like to hear from you!

Fallen Classmates - Please go to the "In Memory" section to add info about a fallen classmate you can attest to via the form link on the bottom right of the page. We would really like to pay tribute to all of them, but its been so long, we need help identifying those who have passed! Links to obituaries are extremely helpful.

Donations - We are now live with the ability to donate to the class reunion events and supporting activities. We will need your support and ask you to trust the committee to spend your funds wisely toward our shared reunion experiences. If you have doubts we will do that, don't donate. But its been 50 years! Let's celebrate. We will need your support! Credit Card donations cost 5.9% to process (grrrrrr), checks can be mailed directly to Richard Dargan (Memo line MHS Reunion so we can track with a pic), click the donate button to get address details. Venmo and PayPal can be used by contacting Richard directly. Thanks in advance!

Site Administrators:

Richard Dargan -

Terry Hopkins - 
