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Forum: 10 Yr Reunion


10 Yr Reunion

Created on: 07/27/09 06:33 PM Views: 574 Replies: 4
10 Yr Reunion
Posted Monday, July 27, 2009 01:33 PM

Ok all! I thought it would be fun for everyone to post about what your thoughts, experience, etc of the reunion. Here's mine...

I HAD A BLAST!!!! I was concerened for a minute when everyone showed up late but once it got going, it really got going. I thought it was very interesting how everyone automatically split up into their old clicks...unfortunately not all my old "close" friends were there, but the ones that were, well your all awesome..LUV U GIRLS!!! I did feel a lil sad at faces I didnt see there, but was super happy to see faces I didnt expect. Staying somewhat sober (nursing my new 1 mth) I had an awesome time laughing at all your drunk asses!!! JK! Ok, Im not! lol!

In organizing the reunion, I got alot of " Well Im not going because no ones gonna show" or "Not sure I want to see certain people". Well, personally...Im glad we had enough people in our class who grew up over the years! Im happy to say there was little to no drama, but a few very funny scenes!!

Im sorry I didnt show up at the after party...not wearing heals in almost a year, my feet were killing me....& well for those who noticed..(lol) I had to relieve my girls!!! Once I got home & found my littlest man awake, well I couldnt leave! But then again thats really what my lifes about now....being a mommy!

But we will definately be putting some mixers together in the near future! My hope is to reconnect with those who didnt show & stay connected to those who did. Check out my reunion pics & let me know if you want any or all emailed to you!

RE: 10 Yr Reunion
Posted Monday, July 27, 2009 05:25 PM

Just wanted to say thanks for all you did and also to those who helped you!!!!

RE: 10 Yr Reunion
Posted Tuesday, July 28, 2009 03:40 PM

     Abby, thank you for putting it all together.  I enjoyed myself, watching everyone interact. I'm sorry i left without saying good-bye, but I didn't want to interrupt the merriment.  Next time, if ther is one, contact me and I'll help, my info is not going to change.

     You were so right, everyone branched off to their old clicks.  If it weren't for Ernie I would have been absolutely quiet.  Sorry folks, I'm still shy, my co-worker confirmed it.  I wanted to dance, but I needed my dance partner, my little girl because Ernie does not dance .

     I love all of you and I hope we have another reunion.  Maybe next time I won't be so shy, but who are we kidding, I'll always be the shy quiet girl that keeps her nose clean.  But just ask the right question(s) and I'll keep talking.

RE: 10 Yr Reunion
Posted Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:07 AM

We had a great night that night. I was so happy to see everyone, everyone looked great. The lil clicks was kinda funny but some things dont change. I tried to mingle with everyone but always ended up in the same place..... blame it on the a-a-a-alcohol. Great job putting shindig together, it was nice. Thanks for adding us as guests, we really appreciate it. Look forward to doing it again. Ten years is too long. All my Aztecs My email is coachnickdaniel@yahoo.com drop me a line and we dont gotta wait ten years to have a get together.

RE: 10 Yr Reunion
Posted Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:18 PM
I recieved this from Mr. Hamasaki:

So there I was. . .

Now that was kind of strange. 10 years later and everyone seemed so different; the guys seemed bigger, at least most and the ladies seemed more mature. I, I felt younger for some strange reason. Maybe it seemed as though you had caught up to me or I was just a point in my life where my maturing had slowed down and yours had sped up. Not to sure which. Anyway, thanks for the experience and I am glad to have seen who I did. I didn't get a chance to speak to everyone, but it did make me happy to see everyone having such a great time.

Thank you again and I hope you find me for you 20th, if I am still around.
