In Memory

Scott Schmidt

Scott Schmidt

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11/10/10 11:00 AM #1    

Judi Stowasser (French)

Scott was a friend of mine for many years who I miss dearly. He was one of those people that always seemed truely happy. Such a fun loving guy that always had a smile for you. He touched my life while here on this earth in such a wonderful profound way. To share a story: My other half Bob and I always like to find fun unusual things to do and we had gone Downtown on a Boat Cruise for Cinco Di Mayo and Scott was working the boat tour that night. I had run into him many times over the years since Highschool. He was a carefree guy who worked Downtown for Bars inthe area such as Rosie and Mel 's. So to run into him was not unusual and would catch up with each other from time to time. On the night of the Cruise we talked for a long time and enjoyed the evening Mexican food, music, Lake Michigan waters. He seemed to be so happy and carefree that night. It was sogreatto see him, he always put a smile on my face. A few days later my other half and I were getting ready for our day with morning coffee and the morning news when Bob called me in and said " Isn't that Scott on the news" and with that I had realized he had been shot and killed. The bullet had hit his dog also who survived and had taken Scott. What a very sad day. I will forever remember him with such fond memories in my heart. Someone took a wonderful guy and spirit that day. A life taken way before your time- I shall always remember you dear friend of mine !!!!!!! PEACE............

12/14/10 09:30 PM #2    

Shelly Schoenbach (Serchen)

Ironically enough....Judi called me to tell me that she had run into Scott and that he had asked about "Shelly Bean".  That was his nickname for me since high school.  I didn't see him very often but he was a very nice and decent man.  I hope that they find the scum that ended his life way too soon.

02/27/11 03:46 PM #3    

Jeff Jassby

Scott was a great guy...he could make you laugh now... Very sorry to have to read this..  RIP my friend.  Jeff Jassby

03/26/11 07:14 PM #4    

Steve Brussat

Scott was quite a character. His family moved next door to me when he was 3 or 4. He definitely lived life to the fullest. He was always doing something goofy. Once he put as chair up in a tree to sit in. Well, you can guess how that went one broken arm later! There was also the time he lit the top nozzle of a 5 gallon gas can on fire while pouring it on a small bon fire. Here he was batting at the nozzle with his hand to put it out while the rest of us made a hasty retreat out of the area! I can't forget about the Polish Cannons he used to make to launch a flaming tennis ball down the road, or the time he made a flamethrower out of a spray paint can to set off a model rocket engine! Rick Leslie had to dive into some bushes because the engine was sceaming right for him! Ah, the crazy things we used to do. I also have to mention the time he egged me on after a night of beers to see how fast my Chevelle would go on the highway. After hitting the exit ramp at an excesive speed we wiped the car out pretty good. Lucky there were no poles to hit or I probably wouldn't be here-convertible and no seat belts! Scott told me at the 20 year reunion that when he turned 40 he was going to figure out what he would do with his life. I never got to ask him if he did. I have made the trip to the bar named after him at Water St. and Juneau(Scooter's) the last 2 times I've been back to Wisconsin. I see his picture on the wall and it makes me reflect on life a bit. I'm still torqued off that the piece of garbage that killed him was never caught! I hope they carry some heavy guilt baggage around with them.

Rest In Peace Buddy!

Steve Brussat.

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