In Memory

Arthur Teal

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11/27/09 09:52 PM #1    

Mary Lesak (McLaughlin)

I went to Elementary through Jr high and High school with Art. He was such a joker, wanted to make you laugh. Had a serious side too. I will miss him. Thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Marya.

01/18/10 02:26 PM #2    

Trina Tomola (Kuznik)

I am very saddened by the news of Art's passing. When I think of Art, I just remember his amazing smile and sense of humor...his giant heart and love of life.
My prayers are with your family~and I think everyone will agree that Art was definetely one of a kind and one of the most wonderful people I have had the pleasure of knowing.
God Bless your family Art~ see you someday again~

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