In Memory

Chris Frost

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04/23/18 05:09 PM #1    

Dave Weston

Our dear friend and classmate Chris Frost lost his battle with cancer on March 23, 2013.  

I believe it is healthy to elaborate a little for those of you who knew Chris. 

I believe that after leaving the AHS Chris attended St. Andrews prep school in Canada.  He always loved the beach and surfing so it is no surprise that after college he spent some time in the San Diego area where his family relocated to after Mexico.  Chris eventually ended up living in Australia and working in the technology side of the banking industry. 

One thing I will always remember is that in spite of his quite nature and humility he remains one of the only friends that I knew who scored perfect 800's on his SAT's!  Holy Guacamole!  Gives additional meaning to the saying that "still waters run deep. 


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