In Memory

Tracy Leath

John A White posted this on the LHS '73 Facebook page.
I Had A Thought

I had a thought. A beautiful thought.
Applying the golden rule that we were taught.
If by some miracle we could rearrange,
The afflictions of our lives we could exchange....

Between friends for a day or two if we dare
The physical challenges we could all share.
To allow our friends a reprieve or holiday,
From the discomfort of their challenging malady.

To be able to move once again, or to be free from pain.
To watch those faces rejoice in warm refrain.
To jump, with laughter and run to their heart’s content.
Rejuvenate a beautiful soul, oh what a wondrous event.

Would you have the courage to step into their place?
Does genuine Love for another. compel you to show grace?
Would you be willing to step more than once into that abyss?
It is a serious question you should not lightly dismiss.

For taking on the terrible mantle of unfathomable affliction,
And feel the pain and discomfort of a torturous condition.
To truly comprehend fully the path that they tread,
And sacrifice your blessings and walk in their stead.

I had a thought. A beautiful thought.

Remembering Tracy, and all of our courageous friends.