In Memory

Florence Schott (Toussaint) - Class Of 1922

Nancy Toussaint's parents: Allan Toussaint and Florence Schott Toussaint (class of 1922). Picture taken October 1950.


Alynn Toussaint (class of 1951) mother Florence Schott Toussaint (class of 1922), father Allan Toussaint, Nancy Toussaint Brehmer (class of 1948). Picture taken May 1952.


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10/18/10 10:33 AM #1    

Nancy Toussaint (Brehmer) (1948)

 My parents were Florence Schott (Washington High class of 1922) and Allan Toussaint, both born in 1903.  Before their marriage both lived on Burleigh Street, my father east of 27th Street, my mother west of 27th Street; hence my mother attended Washington while my father attended North Division High School. Both had attended Auer Avenue Grade School. They were married in 1926.

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