D Company - In Country Action

Dates Location Misc
11-03-67 thru 11-05-67 Forward Fire Base
  • Start of Battles of Dak To
11-06-67 Hill 1338
  • Battles of Dak To
  • D Company and C Company arrived on Hill 1338 via choper
  • A and B Company already on the Hill
11-07-67 Moving off Hill 1338
  • Battles of Dak To
11-08-67 Hill 1124
  • Battle of Dak To
  • C Company chased back to the base of Hill 1124 where they met D Company
  • D Company and C Company moved up Hill 1124 to engage North Vietnamese
  • By early afternoon the North Vietnamese were chased off the hill and D and C Companies recovered enemy weapons and went through the bunker complex
  • Casualties
    • Injuries
    • Coon was killed    
11-09-67 Moving Off Hill 1124
  • Battles of Dak To
11-10-67 Moving
  • Battles of Dak To
  • 1 squad from Company D and C were attached to the Forward Observer to recon Hill 1089 where they were ambushed and called for help
  • D and C Company moved across the finger to attempt to reach the Forward Observer team.  This was unsuccessful and they moved back off the Hill.
  • Causalities
    • Injuries
    • Tony Brock killed
    • Additional fatalities
11-11-67 Hill 1089
  • Battles of Dak To
  • D and C Company moved to take over Hill 1089.  D Company went to the right side and C Company to the left
  • Successfully took hill 1089
  • Causalities
    • Injuries
  • End of Battles of Dak To
