Lynnette Scovill Azarow

Profile Updated: March 12, 2010
Lynnette Scovill
Residing In: Latrobe, PA USA
Spouse/Partner: Michael
Occupation: Bank Manager
Children: Ashley
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



I can't believe it has been twenty years already! LIfe has gone by so quickly. I am loving every minute! I have four beautiful children and am married to my wonderful husband Michael. We live in a small town just outside of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The kids keep us very busy, but we love it! Ashley, my oldest step-daughter is graduating in May, Jordan is a Sophmore and avid Baseball Player, Sammy is my little book worm and Kade is still such a sweet little boy, I hope he never changes. Life has been good to us, and we have many blessings to be so thankful for. I can't wait to see everyone and get a chance to catch up!

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:58 AM
The Crew