In Memory

Sharon Clemens

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09/15/09 10:18 PM #1    

Herbert Walter Jr. (Herbie) Denmark

Don't tell me that she's no longer with us. I remember when she and I went to the UGA Orientation in April before we graduated. I'm saddened by losing her. She was fun to be around. But we better enjoy life while we have it. Herbie.

09/16/09 08:38 PM #2    

Charlene Murray (Mosshart)

Rest in peace my friend. You were the most creative person I ever knew. We didnt know how special you were!

10/07/09 11:18 PM #3    

Danny Griffin

A great person and freind. Cut my hair and was a very special friend. She was ahead of her time in life and business. God bless her soul and for all she has done. A true friend for life, always.

10/08/09 12:05 AM #4    

Chris Fowler

Sharon was truly one of the kindest people that I knew at MHS. Her warm smile, her honest eyes, and her gentle manner made her an easy friend to make. Her character made her an important friend to keep. I miss Sharon, and I appreciate her many kindnesses to me. May God truly rest her soul.

01/02/11 03:54 PM #5    

Janet Parr

Sharon and I were roomates our freshman year at UGA.  I could not have picked a better person to start that chapter of my life with.  We had many laughs and shared expericences.  She was truly unique and always so easy to be around.  It's still unbelievable to me that she is no longer here on earth with the rest of us!  Rest in Peace roomie!

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