Amy Burton Merrill

Profile Updated: April 15, 2010
Residing In: Hagerstown, MD USA
Spouse/Partner: Phil
Occupation: mom
Children: Maddie (11), Michael (9), Steven (7), Ryan (5), David (3)
Attending Reunion



It was the highlight of my day to see my high school senior photograph garishly staring at me from the screen. Ai yai yai.

It is great to see the profiles. I was sad to hear about our 4 classmates who have passed away. I did not know about Patrice, Tony or Kari. I am so sorry for their passing, but thankful for the good memories of all of them.

Our family is currently living in Maryland, about an hour west of DC. We moved here in 2005 from Colorado and are often missing those mountains, but we love the water and green of the east.

I served an LDS mission in Texas, was married to Phil, a person I believe you'd all really like, in 1995, and graduated in English Education from Utah State in 1997. I taught for a year at Bear Lake High in Idaho where I shared Ray Bradbury with the seniors and suffered through Julius Caesar 3 times. I did begin a book club here. Most interesting read this year was Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.

Sometimes when I write these things I feel like I need to scrape and scrounge for electrifying news and information about my life. The truth is that everybody's lives are absolutely interesting. I'm hoping everyone will write something about themselves.

So, I am the mom of 5; 1 daughter and 4 boys. Sometimes I'm a great mom, sometimes a let's-try-again-tomorrow-mom. I don't work outside the home, so I volunteer at the elementary school teaching geography to the kids or reading in their classrooms, play with playdoh, work out when I'm motivated at the early hour of 5 am, garden, wash dishes and launder clothes, listen to NPR on the weekends, and take the kids on adventures to the lake, the zoo, Amish country and DC.

As I'm writing this it is blue skies and sun out my window. David is doing a puzzle on the floor, but the day promises to be warm so we'll head to the park a little later. Right now, though, I've got dishes in the sink. Ah. Life.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Me and my sister, Becky.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Fall in Maryland
