Melanie Judd Rindlisbacher

Profile Updated: August 9, 2010
Residing In: South Jordan, UT
Spouse/Partner: Christian (Chris) Rindlisbacher
Occupation: Dental Hygienist
Children: Carver 12, born March 1998
Avery 9, born October 2000
Olivia 7, born March 2003
Attending Reunion


Do you plan on coming to the Saturday night event at the Grand America?


Do you plan on coming to the Friday night mixer at Murray Park?


Do you plan on joining us for the Saturday morning golf tournament?


What was your deciding factor(s) whether you would attend the Saturday night function?

It is the only event we can attend. My husband really wants to go.

What kind of activities would you like to see at the Saturday night event? Would you rather opt for no activities and a lower price? Or...(please give us your suggestions!)



My fetish with teeth drove me to pursue a career in Dental Hygiene. I attended WSU, ISU, UofU, and SLCC in an attempt to strengthen my pre-requisites and broaden the base of programs I could apply to. I also enjoyed the broad range of boys it introduced me to. Ultimately I was accepted by and graduated from WSU.

Yes, I married my "high school sweetheart" but it wasn't as simple as it sounds. After high school I pursued other avenues (boys). We both dated other people, we dated each other sometimes too. I was even engaged twice. Summer 1996 we were spending time together again and decided it was do or die time. He voted do, I voted die. It was to end there. I spent a week crying for no particular reason and finally realized after breaking a number of other hearts, I had now broken my own. I called him and said, "I think we made a mistake." He said, "I'll be right over." I packed my bags to spend 2 weeks in Shiprock, NM completing a dental hygiene externship at the dental clinic on the Native American Reservation. We spoke every night by telephone. We talked about marriage. I was so excited to see him when I got back and start planning a wedding. He didn't say a word! So let the record state: I proposed to him with, "so are we getting married or what?" He said, "you want to?" and 5 weeks later we were married.

14 years and 3 kids later we are happy and well. I took a break from dental hygiene in 2000 after our 2nd child was born to stay home and raise the kids. I was so grateful for that opportunity! One year ago I returned to the task of scaling the public's not so pearly whites on a very part time basis. (floss 'em if you got 'em)

Where else have you lived?

zero...but oh, the places I have dreamed of living.

High points of your life since high school?

*discovering how great commitment can be. He is the best decision I ever made!
*family vacations
*becoming obsessed with running.
*full mouth debridement

Any vices?


What's the farthest you've been from home?

Hawaiian Islands

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at MHS?

attend more football games-that's for you, hon.

Famous or interesting people you've met?

I find people very interesting

Cool things you've done?

Cool is in the eye of the beholder. I have done lots of cool things...

Lived one of your dreams?

I qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon. I ran Boston April 19, 2010. Qualified again May 15, 2010 and plan to return April 2011 or 2012.

Ever been on TV?

yes. I played Linda in a commercial for the University of Utah's Moran Eye Center. Watch for it...they bring it out of the archives once in awhile.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?

Healthy, happy, a little more wrinkled but hopefully just as fast.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Boston Marathon Finish Line
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Alturas Lake Stanley, Id