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Created on: 06/20/09 06:58 AM Views: 3768 Replies: 4
reunion stories
Posted Saturday, June 20, 2009 01:58 AM

- How about those bathrooms Smile flooded most of the night.
- I lost my voice about 2 hours in, next time I think we could have the music lower at first, due to very little dancing the first few hours (sorry Sondra S-G). My voice is still not 100% (writing this on Tuesday). For those of you who have not read Sondra Smith (Gates) profile, you should, dancing is something I also love to do.
- I loved seeing so many people show up it was great but also strange in a way. There were SOOOO many people there I did not feel I talked to a majority of the people I knew until midnight... My wife kept asking me if I had talked to everyone I wanted too and honestly had to keep saying no not even close. Looking back there were several people I did not speak to at allSad but would have liked too, but I think that is a good thing at a reunion, rather than having just five people show up. Through THIS website I have been chatting with more people than I did in HS, I was a social butterfly in college not so much in HS.

Edited 07/08/09 12:13 PM
RE: reunion stories
Posted Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:39 AM

I am sorry I missed out on the reunion Friday night, had to work. Went to the Brew Saturday and had a lot of fun. But there wasn't as many people there. I guess I will have to wait for 25!

RE: reunion stories
Posted Tuesday, June 23, 2009 05:28 PM

Thank you Keith and Jen B-L for setting up this website! Many of us would not have been able to catch up, visit, socialize and coordinate without it!!Razz <clap, clap>

Maybe at the 25 we can have a little speech from the committee about who came the farthest distance, I just noticed fart is the first part of the word farthest, funny. How much money is in the account, etc. Roger Bowen also had a great idea about linking up to PayPal and donations could be made through that.

Were we able to get a discount for the bathrooms from Whispering Pines?

I don't dance and saw more people further away from the DJ than next to. I'm not saying we don't need a DJ but have a poll and see how many would like to dance.

Saturday activities were 'o plenty but that also meant fewer attendees at each event. Boating and golfing had stronger numbers going into the weekend. Maybe we all had a few extra Friday night.

All in all, it was a great event and wonderful to see everyone again. How many days until the next one? Will this website stay up and running until the 25th reunion?


Edited 06/23/09 05:39 PM
RE: reunion stories
Posted Monday, June 29, 2009 09:36 AM

Jayson, ya gotta start dancing. That's all I have to say.

RE: reunion stories
Posted Monday, June 29, 2009 10:33 PM

**btw, this is not a story -its more like a short novel. and yes i do know about grammar and punctuation thanks to the wonderful iowa education i received but as you will see after reading, i am tired and just don't give a DAMN!

first, i have to say that i thought the reunion was a blast and a success, as we have money in the acct for the next one too, and i think it ended up being pretty affordable for everybody... can't even wait for the next one except that i will just be older and fatter! it was just amazing to see everyone and it brought back lots of good memories and many new ones!
my trip back home was a little crazy as it usually is when i get to come back to muskie. i flew from corpus christi, tx to my moms in st louis--(after spending 6 hrs in the cc airport with my 4 yr old only to go home and fly out the next afternoon)... but i did finally make it to st louis. i decided to rent a car from enterprise to drive home to muskie with cj ( the 4 yr old/aka the kid) i chose enterprise because there is one in muskie and that'd be just swell because i had pretty much unlimited options on the cars i could borrow from family and friends at home. i just needed to get there. but nooooooo they don't do one way rentals..so $375 later..

so they were to pick me up at 8:45am on tuesday so i could drive home...because they "pick you up". needless to say that was the beginning of my i-hate-enterprise-and-that-stupid-ass-crap-car-they-gave-me-and-i-will-never-use-enterprise-again adventure. enterprise didn't show up and my mom had to work at 10. i call enterprise and in my most very pissy manner tell them that never mind picking me up, now my mom is going to be late to work so we will just drive there and thanks a lot. its storming buckets so i gather up the kid and we venture out into the storm to drive to enterprise, where i get out of the car and can't figure out the stupid umbrella and yell at the top of my lungs "GGGGOOOOOOOODDDDD DAMMMMMIT!" . well their front door was open so 2 of there most lovely and accomodating employees come outside to see what is going on and wait for me to get the umbrella working and cj out of the car and our crap and into the building, all while we are about to be struck down to our death in lightning (thanks for the help!)... and then they then proceed to ask me how i am doing. WHAT? i say again in my most pissy manner, I. HAVE. BEEN. BETTER. so we get the paperwork done and get my little mazda whatever crap car and get on the road again. i start driving down the highway in a place i am very not familiar with to look down at the gas gauge and see that there is less than 1/4 tank. WHAT? i always assumed rentals came fully loaded. so i am all freakin out because, well, i am outside st louis in bf nowhere and not really sure how long i have til the next town. so finally i see signs, -gas signs and food signs and hotel signs so surely i can just take the next exit and there will be gas. only i exit and have to go another 2 miles just to find the gas station. SERIOUS?! and then i get on the road again and realize there is no cruise control. WHAT?! don't all cars have cc these days?? i drive in my town of 16000 people with cc let alone the freakin 4 hours of highway i have in front of me. and there are not automatic locks. WHAT?? so enterprise, you can just suck it!!!

so finally after many many many many hours and what seemed like days of driving without cruise control and entertaining my very needy 4 yr old with my arm behind my seat handing him crap pretty much the whole time, we get to muskie.

all in all i had a great time visiting with family and friends....

...until friday. remember that big huge storm friday before the reunion started? i was at jenny wathan blakes getting dressed and sitting in the garage watching the storm because where i live we get rain like once a yr, if that. and there goes jenny's mailbox flying across the yard with the mail still in it. and i am thinking, i should really go grab that. and then i sobered up quick and said oh hell no!! after my adventures in st louis i was sure this time the lightning would get me. so i just sat there and kept watching the storm. my piece-of-crap-enterprise-rental-car was sitting in the driveway when all of a sudden the whole basketball hoop came crashing down all over my stupid car. WHAT?!! it was like slow motion. i saw it come down, i saw the mirror crash and bend in (i soooo understand the reasoning behind that now), and then it was like nails on a chaulkboard the way the hoop slid down the side of my car. i couldn't believe it, but then i just laughed cuz (did i mention that stupid-piece-of-shit-enterprise-rental-car i got??!) it was really just meant to happen. especially because when they said at enterprise, you are just gonna use your car insurance right? and i was like, well sure, what's gonna happen?? HA! there was a pretty decent dent down the side of the car. thankfully i know people.

and then the power went out at jennys while we were getting dressed.

so as great as the reunion was, my enterprise rental was not. thats my story part A Smile