Posted Tuesday, November 24, 2009 08:21 AM

Hey everyone!

First, big ups to the planning committee for their hard work, as time marches toward July 30-31, 2010. Reflecting on the coming event, what are some of your expectations? Think about it. 20 years ago, we may have thought that by this time we would be old 'n gray (well some of us may be :-}) Are any of us in the position that we've imagined us to be? Are we seemingly in a rut?

One thing I'm quite sure all of us are expecting as we reconnect - Fellowship! That's what makes us who we are as a class. The friends that impacted us, the events that lifted us, and the school spirit that binds us -  there's nothing like it.  When we come together again, let's keep the fellowship and remember what we're made of. We're still standing on shoulders of greatness. Let's make sure the foundation is sure so the young will be able to stand on it when it's their time.

Share your thoughts - Be Blessed

Chris Robinson

MHS c/o 1990