In Memory

Stanley Flanary

Muskogee Phoenix Notice: FLANARY, STANLEY O. September 13, 2001 6B


Stanley O Flanary family history & genealogy

Stanley O Flanary (1959 - 2001) was a member of the Flanary family. Stanley was born on July 30, 1959. Stanley died on September 12, 2001 at 42 years old.

Stanley O Flanary's last known residence is at Muskogee, Muskogee County, OK (Oklahoma), 74401.

We were able to locate a death record for Stanley O Flanary in the United States Social Security Master Death Index (SSDI). Stanley's social security number (SSN) is 447-XX-9520. This death record has been verified by a family member of the deceased. This data can be considered very accurate.


Stanley O Flanary (1959 - 2001)

Name Stanley O Flanary
Families Flanary familyO family
Died  (42 years old)
Last Known
Muskogee, Muskogee County, OK (Oklahoma), 74401
Social Security Death Record
SSN 447-XX-9520 [ ? ] 
This death record has been verified by a family member of the deceased.

