In Memory

Mary L. Molandes VIEW PROFILE

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04/03/10 09:02 AM #1    

Kathy V. Pruitt

You just disappeared and we didn't know where you were...Your rose is your smile and beautiful black hair...always friendly to me. You are missed.

04/10/10 08:27 PM #2    

Jane Willson (Austin)

Someone who was always very kind. We missed her before we knew she was gone.....

09/13/10 10:13 AM #3    

Dennis McDuffie

Mary oh Mary...I remember you like yesterday in my classes in TJ Rush and NHS. Youre smile and friendship made my day(s). Thanks...

10/14/10 01:07 PM #4    

Viola (Vi) Cain (Alexander)

I first met Mary when she transferred to Raguet from Sacred Heart.   As I think about Mary, I remember her  kindness, how incredibly smart she was, and her beautiful penmanship.  She is missed.

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