Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Erik Anderson
Jim Andrews
Rocco Angelozzi
George Babic
Alfred Barnes
Alan Bealby
Billy-Belle Beaton (Braaten ?)
Dave Berry
Dave Brandon
Diana Carr
Bryce Christiansen
Barry Crate
Jean Davidson
Linda DeJong (Field ?)
Dana Disney
Allan Dobbs
Bob Epton
Dwight Erickson
Wayne Evans
Lynda Fee (Voekl)
Bob Fisher
Mike Fontaine
Coralee Fredericksen
Greg Geddis
Elaine Gilies
Robert Alan Godolphin
Pat Goodman
Brian Graham
Allan Green
Doris Gretchin
Shelley Guilbeaut (Laughton)
Ron Hall
Eric Hallstrom
Brian Hansen
Mel Hart
John Harvie
Bill Hayes
Wendy Herbison
Anne Histed
Stewart Jeffrey
Janet Johnson
Lou Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Bill Joinson
Carol Kichard (Smith ?)
Kiyo Kinashita
Walter Kirk
Kit (Christopher) Knight
Marsha Lang
Jackie Lupien
Colin Maber
Don MacKenzie
Garry Matheson
Brian Mathews
Robert McCulloch
Sue McKenzie (Foxcroft)
Bonnie McNeil
Roland Miller
Richard Moore
Ron Mori
Susan Olson
Glenys Oulton (Middlemiss ?)
Lynn Paterson
Bob Peters
Anne Phillips
Winnifred Popow (Cop ?)
Evelyn Potapoff (Cervi)
Jack Pratt
Jack Robinson
Les Rogers
Loretta Sammartino (Spence?)
Linda Scharf
John Sego
Keith Shepherd
John Simon
Gary Sloan
Wendy Sloan
Arlene Smith (Young?)
Gary Smith
Gerry Smith
Harold Smith
Hazel Smith
Lou Smith
Bev Smythe (Bassanese?)
Laura Stack
Chris Stevenson
Robert Stevenson
Lynn Stewart
Malcolm Stewart
Margaret Stolberg
John Streloff
Laurie Sweet
Sharon Thickett (Shannon)
Tom Turner
Lorraine Webster (Martin)
Pat Wheeler
Dave White
Gerry White (Delaney?)
Ida White
Jack White